Sunday, June 20, 2010

Cow Patty Golf-Cheap and Challenging Golf

While waiting for my son this morning I glanced over at the Golf course.

Those poor poor people have no idea how to truly enjoy a game of Golf. Golf should be challenging, exciting and have an element of danger involved...

By the time I was 6 years old I was enjoying Cow Patty Golf with my Dad, By the time I was 12, my brother, sister and I were enjoying REAL Cow Patty Golf. The major difference between playing cow patty golf with my Dad and playing it with my siblings, was that Dad always chased the cows and bulls into another pasture, before we started playing golf.

Not us kids!!!

We couldn't, we didn't have the keys to the padlock.

But when a person feels the urge to play golf, a little danger is acceptable.

The major danger with cow patty golf is that the golf ball will always end up in a FRESH cow patty.

It is amazing how a fresh cow patty will splatter when you whack that golf ball. After a few strokes the ball is hard to find, it's kind of dark colored.

You don't need a lot of golf equipment to play cow patty golf, well, except rubber boots or go barefoot, it's easier to clean off the evidence if you are barefoot. A golf club, I have used a single bit axe, that didn't work to well, sort of heavy. A golf ball, or at least a ball, I have used a soccer ball, it dosen't fly too far but it is easy to see.

We stuck rebar into the ground here and there and tied rags to the top and dug a hole near the bottom of the rebar to catch the ball. The size of the hole depended on the size of the ball we were using that day.

Look at those silly people on that golf course, the grass is all clipped short. Not in our cow pastures. The grass was all different lengths and types.

And traps! We had ponds and ditches and sand pits and trees and a black berry patch, with thorns an inch long, holes, the threat of Mom or Dad catching us and many different critters to watch for including a dog that sometimes caught the ball, holes from moles and badgers...

To play four holes could take all day and not cost us a cent!

Why are those poor poor people looking so stressed? None of them look happy or relaxed. Why I bet they would be healthier if they were shoveling snow!

They spend huge amounts of money for golf equipment, accessories, and fees... I bet they could buy a lot of cow pasture for what they spend on golf in a year.

Golf Accessories, some of them my style.

Cow Patty Golf-Cheap and Challenging Golf

1 comment:

  1. Online Book I do miss playing golf in the cow pasture. But, my folks sold that farm, so...
